Why Bring Outdoor Elements Into Your Office Design

Outdoor elements can make your office design truly stand out from the pack. You’ll be entirely unique.
It is often quoted that human beings are inherently social creatures. We’ve found many ways to work principle into our modern lives – bars, offices, communal activities, etc. With our daily struggle for survival somewhat abated, it can feel like we’ve done our jobs and moved inside. But a researcher at Harvard, Edward O. Wilson, resurrected an idea that can sometimes be easily overlooked. We not only need people: we need nature. Human beings naturally connect with the outside world, with natural light, fresh air, bright green foliage, light breezes, open spaces. Breathing stale office air and marinating in fluorescent lighting is beginning to take its toll. Have we moved too far from our natural state? Consider these office design tips.
Start Small and Notice the Impact
We don’t have to turn our office design and homes into Jumanji’s jungle. Starting small with indoor plants and open floor plans can help immensely. Open windows if you don’t need them closed, and expose yourself to some all-natural vitamin D, that all important product of getting enough sunlight in your life. Hang pots and plants from the ceilings by the natural light. The surprising effect of upping the greenery can be as drastic as better oxygen circulation in the room! If you can’t go big, use tropical or natural wallpaper to allow for the feeling of basking in the great outdoors. Accomplishing these little tasks can improve productivity, creativity, general attitude, and even physical health.
Go Natural, Baby!
Try to use natural materials as much as possible. Using stone and recycled hardwood may have an enormous impact when compared with linoleum and metal office products. Bring in water fountains, or make it as minimal as possible with natural sounds playing in the background – birds, trickling waters, ocean sounds. It sounds cheesy, but studies have shown it does have a calming effect. You could even place candles or wall-scent air fresheners throughout the office design with the smell of rain, pine cones, mint smells, honeysuckle. Depending on how much wiggle room you have, you could even use your office’s garden space or roof space to plant an edible garden where employees can enjoy their lunch break!
Mark Downs Can Help You Reconnect with Nature!
Mark Downs is happy to help you get the most productive, creative, and positive conference room and work environment possible through our office furniture and design expertise. We have the expertise and equipment to ensure your conference room is attractive, productive, and a wonderful hub of activity in your office. Stop by our Cockeysville showroom to see what we can offer or give us a call at 410-771-6800. To see examples of our work and what we are up to, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.