5 Benefits Of Ergonomic Furniture

Discover the benefits of investing in ergonomic furniture.
If you’re looking ways to improve employee health and happiness while reducing costs making the switch to ergonomic office furniture might be just what you need. Studies, such as those done by the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries, have shown that ergonomic office furniture is well worth the investment. Need more convincing before you head over to Mark Downs? We’ve put together a list of our favorite reasons to upgrade, make sure to give our team a call to learn more about how ergonomic office furniture can help you.
Reduce Costs
As you reduce the risks of Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) by reducing the risk factors associated with a non-ergonomic design you also reduce the costs of compensation you will be paying out. Out of every three dollars paid for workman’s compensation, one is from MSDs.
Improve Quality
If your employees are in pain or fatigued due to uncomfortable working conditions merely adding a more ergonomic design can make a massive difference to the quality of work. Plus, when employees see that their comfort and best interest is kept in mind, they are more likely to care about their work.
Improve Productivity
If you and your employees can work in comfort with better posture you may find your productivity is increased. Making sure your employees are comfortable while they work makes them happier to do their job while most ergonomics also make workplaces more efficient.
Improve Engagement
As employees begin to notice their employer focusing on their safety and health, they are more likely to want to engage. Creating a comfortable environment can help reduce absenteeism and improve morale as well.
Increase Safety Awareness
If you’re invested in creating a safe and safety oriented workplace moving to ergonomic furniture is an important step. Along with decreasing workplace injury, ergonomics can serve as a great starting off point for your discussions on how to make your business safer for everyone. Once you’ve updated your office furniture, you can work with staff to make sure they understand its purpose and significance.
Start Your Office Update Today
Want to start planning your ergonomic office update? The knowledgeable team at Mark Downs is here to help. From navigating the optimal design to ensuring your workplace is equipped with the best in ergonomic design, the professionals at Mark Downs have you covered. Call us with questions at 410-771-6800 and if you want to see examples of our work, follow us on Facebook and LinkedIn.