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Figuring Out the Best Office Layout


There may not be a definite “best” office layout — but there are definitely ways to fit the space to your needs.

Designing and furnishing an office is a lot more important of a job than many people realize. There’s so much to be taken into account, from what type of office furniture you’ll get to the color of the walls, from spacial organization to whether you should get that second water cooler for the other side of the office. So you’ve probably come here hoping to find the end-all-be-all answer to the best office layout. Right?

Well we tricked you. We don’t have an answer, because the answer is: there is no answer. There is no single definite “best” office layout. The best office layout is whatever works best for your particular office — your people, your function, and everything that makes your business unique. You are unique and special, just like mom told you in elementary school. Create your office layout to fit you and your business. Here are some things to consider.

What’re You Working On?

The type of work you and your officemates perform will play a huge factor in the deciding what the best type of office furniture and the best office layout are. Creative teams often enjoy larger, more open spaces to facilitate creativity and collaboration, whereas customer service or sales workers might need a quieter, more isolated spaces to make phone calls.

Lost in Space

A space that’s too big can be just as inefficient as one that’s too small. If workers have to travel longer distances to accomplish tasks like copying, filing, communicating with coworkers, or accessing a restroom, there’s more time to be wasted and more likelihood of getting sidetracked, diminishing productivity. At the same time, too small of a space can be cramped and inefficient in other ways.

Man Your Work Stations

When it comes to both workspace and workstation, size requirements generally follow the office hierarchy. Higher-ups usually need a larger space to conference with staff or hold meetings. Those lower down on the totem pole probably don’t need as big of a space, so long as they have a phone and a computer. Obviously this is subject to change depending on what kind of work you do and how your office is structured.

Again, none of this is a definitive answer to finding the best office layout. These are merely suggestions and things to consider from your favorite office furniture experts at Mark Downs.

Office Furniture with Mark Downs

At Mark Downs Office Furniture, we specialize in new and used furniture to help turn your office into a collaborative space for your employees. From desks, to ergonomic chairs, to conference room tables, Mark Downs has everything you need to create a comfortable and welcoming work environment for your employees.

Want to get started with Mark Downs? Search our website for furniture pieces or stop in to our showroom, located conveniently in Cockeysville. Have a specific question? Call us today at 410-771-6800 to speak to a trained staff member. Follow Mark Downs Office Furniture today on Pinterest, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.