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Why Does Office Furniture Matter?

Your office furniture can make a significant change in the way your staff and customers respond to you and your work.

You’ve gone through the hard work of getting your business up and running, you’ve moved into a new office space and hired your staff – but now you need to think about your office furniture. While it may seem like a vain and straightforward thing to focus on, your office furniture can make a significant change in the way your staff and customers respond to you and your work. Having an ergonomic and comfortable working environment leads to substantial benefits to your employees, while an attractive appearance appeals to your customers. To get a better idea of why your office furniture needs to be a priority, today we’ll be explaining some of the top reasons your office furniture matters.  

Setting The Tone For Your Space

Office furniture can be expensive; we get it. We’re not suggesting you go out and blow the budget for your small business on an entirely new set of office furniture. But you do need to consider what your customers and employees see when they walk in for meetings or to start at work in the mornings. If your furniture is overly scratched, dented, and damaged, you may be setting your staff up to come in and treat the work they do in the same manner. While aesthetics may seem superficial, over time, they can have a significant impact on the way that your staff sees the work they do. If your space is messy and beat up – their work will start to reflect that. Likewise, if your customers come in to find that your office looks beat up, they may lose confidence in your abilities.

Health and Safety Benefits

Aside from the visual issues, switching to new and ergonomically designed furniture can offer a variety of health and even productivity benefits that will drastically improve employee comfort and more. Ergonomic furniture allows your staff to work in a seated position without feeling the adverse effects of a sedentary job. Not only does this let them be more focused, happy, and productive because they aren’t in pain, but it prevents you from needing to pay workers comp as well. Every year their companies within the US pay millions of dollars in workers compensation and health care bills because of the damage done by traditional office furniture. Making the switch will help your business thrive and save!

Buy Ergonomic Office Furniture from Mark Downs

Mark Downs is happy to help you get the most productive, creative, and positive office environment possible through our office furniture and design expertise. We have the expertise and equipment to ensure your office is attractive, productive, and a wonderful hub of activity in your commercial facility. Stop by our Cockeysville showroom to see what we can offer or give us a call at 410-771-6800. To see examples of our work and what we are up to, follow us on Facebook and LinkedIn.