3 Tips for an Office Design You Won’t Regret
Designing an office is a lot of work — the last thing you want is to look at it when you’re done and thing, “Ooh, I wish I had….” It doesn’t matter what the end of that sentence is, because there should be no “wish I hads,” “should’ves,” or “next times.” Your new office design should be everything you dreamed it to be. If you’re about to embark on a brand new office design project, try these three tips to prevent any buyer’s remorse.
Embrace the 21st Century
As we know from working with millennials, the 21st century is all about technology. Partying like it’s 1999 is the last thing you want to do when choosing new office furniture. It’s a wireless world, so incorporating wireless, ceiling mounted projectors for meetings and plenty of TVs to act as huge external monitors are key. Yet, in a wireless world, we still need access to power. Make sure you choose desks that will allow for proper wire organization, or even ask us about other ways to integrate your tech and power right into your workstation.
Make a Lot from a Little
What exactly that means is up to you. Maybe you’re getting a lot of storage from a relatively little filing system. Maybe you’re using some of these pro tips for making the most from a small office space. Plan efficiently, especially if your business is growing. The last thing you want is for your booming business to be thwarted by an overcrowded, underutilized space.
Don’t Leave Your Style at Home
You probably spend about one-third of your life in your office, so it shouldn’t be a drab, boring place that makes you miserable and sleepy just to look at it. Plan your office design with some personality. If you’re designing a whole office, try to think of interesting visual choices that will convey a message about your company. If you’re simply choosing furniture for your own personal space, pick a piece that offers both form and function that best fit your style. After all, you’ll have to live with it for a while.
Building Your Office Space for Millennials with Mark Downs
Want to get started with Mark Downs? Search our website for office furniture pieces or stop into our showroom, located conveniently in Cockeysville. Have a specific question? Call us today at 410-771-6800 to speak to a trained staff member. You can also follow Mark Downs Office Furniture today on Pinterest, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter!